Accommodations in the Testing Center

New in 2024, if a computer-based exam is registered and approved with the Testing Center and a student has extended time and/or low-distraction accommodations, they can schedule an appointment in our testing locations. 

All of our locations (Carver 0060, Carver 0250, Hixson-Lied 2242, Gilman 2552) can accommodate an extended time exam.  Our newly renovated locations in Carver Hall 0060 and Hixson-Lied 2242 can also accommodate low-distraction accommodations.  All other accommodations must be scheduled with the Exam Accommodation Center.

Exam requests through RegisterBlast to the Exam Accommodation Center must be made separately from those to the Testing Center. The Exam Accommodation Center has tutorials outlining how to submit your exam request to them.  The Testing Center does not operate the Exam Accommodation Center.