Test Center Advisory Board (TCAB)
Background and Responsibilities
In 2023, the Testing Center became part of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT). As part of its integration, a Testing Center Advisory Board (TCAB) was formed to assist Testing Center staff in an advisory capacity. Responsibilities for each board member include:
- review and input on Testing Center policies and practices
- serve as a liaison to their respective college/unit
- provide input on student and faculty training and resource development
- provide input on supported assessment technologies
- general service delivery and experience improvements
- advocate for Testing Center use among peers
Member Information
The Testing Center Manager will solicit membership for Board participation from current instructor users or users within the last year. A term for each representative is three years, with a rotation each academic year of three members on and three members off. The Chair is the co-facilitator with the Testing Center Manager of each board meeting. TCAB meets at least twice per semester, with more meetings as the group decides.
Lori Biederman – CALS – Chair
Vacant – Design
Julie Rursch – Engineering
Anna Peterson – LAS
Arne Hallam – At Large
Jen Flugge – ITS
Clara Hernandez – Student Accessibility Services
Bruce Kraft- Ivy College of Business
Vacant – CHHS
Joel Hochstein – Testing Center Manager